ICH Profile

Regional Profile




East Sumba has an area of 7,000.50 km2 and divided into 22 Districts, 16 Urban Villages and 140 Rural Villages.

The Regency's population of East Sumba according to the East Sumba's Population and Civil Registration on 31 December 2014 was 247,018 people.

The population aged 5 – 19 years :

85,522 people or 34,6 % of the total population.

Number of Schools :

  • Primary School (SD) : 262

  • Secondary School (SMP) : 76

  • Junior High School (SMA) : 21

  • Vocational High School (SMK) : 9

Number of Students :

  • Primary School (SD) : 39,447

  • Secondary School (SMP) : 14,671

  • Junior High School (SMA) : 10,488

  • Vocational High School (SMK) : 2,198

Total Students : 66,804

Demographic of Children in ICH

Most of the children at Indonesian Children Home – East Sumba come from the rural areas that far from educational facilities. When they were in primary

school they need to walk to school at a considerable distance. Even some of the children have to cross the river every day to go to school. And if they want to

continue to the secondary school or junior high school level, they have to leave their village because there are no secondary school and junior high school in their village.

Due to the financial problem, in the end there were many of them did not continue their study to secondary school and junior high school since they did not have

money for education cost and place to stay in the city to continue their study.

Here some photos of the condition of the village of the children at Indonesian Children Home – East Sumba